Well, as I mentioned, I got my hair done last week...and although I'm not really digging the hair, I am totally loving the color. I had been going back and forth between whether to die my hair blond or going a darker red, auburn color (my hair is naturally red). After talking to my hair lady from back in Florida (I call her my adoptive mom) and really thinking about the maintenance of going lighter verses darker...I decided on going dark auburn again.
As for the cut, I wanted to go shorter, because frankly...my hair was really starting to bother me at night, and making my neck feel so hot. I searched online for several hours until I came up with a cut I thought I would like to have....
This is the photo I showed my hair stylist. And actually, this was the color I was initially thinking, before changing my mind and going back to dark auburn.
This is what it looked like right after the appointment, once back at home. (Doesn't look much like the photo above, does it?)
So, anyway...I think the cut is a little too short, but I'm really loving the color. I had showed her a picture of me (the same as my blogger profile picture) to give her the idea of color I wanted. For an emailed picture to her and the first time coloring me this color, I think she got it pretty much right on the nose. Now I just have to spend some time playing with my hair to get it the way I'd like to have it. It' just hair though, so it will grow out, and my hair tends to grow out pretty darn quick. Some of that is thanks to the wonderful fertility drugs that are still floating around in my body...even though I haven't been taking any for over 2 weeks now.
Last Saturday we went to the SC State Fair, which is held in Columbia, SC, basically right next to the football stadium that the USC Gamecocks play for home games. Also known as hallowed ground to my husband, who is a die hard Gamecock fan (USC Alumni).
Entering the gate at the fair!
Just inside the gates...Lets look for some fun!
I've got to say that the fair didn't really help take our minds off of our loss. There were so many people there that had very small babies in strollers and I just didn't understand why they would take little infants to the fair. Ken and I truly were beginning to think that it was to rub our faces in the fact that we were no longer pregnant. Crazy, I know...but that's honestly how we felt. There were women there with young children in strollers and pregnant on top of that. There were kids running around lost from their parents (totally ticked me off), and we just felt that everywhere we looked we saw another reminder.
We did have some good fair food though, and definitely saw some sights in the human variety. Contrary to what my husband said, I did NOT come home with any stuffed animals from all those games he was going to play and win. Honestly, there just wasn't anything worth wasting money on for him to win me. I didn't want to bring home some huge Gorilla, or a Banana with dreadlocks (yes, you heard me right)...seemed like those were everywhere. We actually spent most of the day there, but came home and rested for the remaining of the night. Seemed like we walked and walked and walked.